Saturday, February 20, 2016

Murderous Australian Criminal Military Standard Microwaves Weapons Roasting Us Alive

Murderous Australian Criminal Military Standard Microwaves Weapons Roasting Us Alive
Australian/NZ Terrorism & Satanic Gang Stalking in Jakarta
90% World Depopulation
Billions To Be Robbed & Murdered

1. Murderous Military Microwaves Weapons Roasting Us Alive In Our Home

Australian Criminals Are Trying to kill and silence us – using satanic gang stalking by Indonesian criminals, military grade weapons, PsyOps and foreign Intel support
Indonesian criminals with Australian criminal and foreign Intel support have turned our home in to an oven using military grade microwave weapons
these weapons are normally only available to the military so how did the Criminal satanic stalking gang that has been trying to rob and murder us get them?
My Wife's Older Sister WAS Murdered With Microwaves
In The Two Weeks Before Her Death She Was Always Very Thirsty and Hot. Her Bedroom Was At The Front Of The House.
Today Criminals In The Mosque Were Pointing A Beam At My Chest NEAR MY HEART And My Upper Left Arm
The Criminals In Victorian Health Department Have Been Actively Targeting My Wife
My Wife Is My Sponsor.
Criminals In AUSTRALIA and new Zealand Want us DEAD.
Criminals In Victoria Have Got ACTIVE SUPPORT from the Australian And British Governments & Embassies.
Whilst The Criminals In Victoria Will Not Answer My Questions all Our Private Information Is Out On The Criminal Gang Stalking Sewer. Among Our Catholic and Christian Neighbours They Have Spread a lot of Negative Gossip
The Rear Of Our House Has Been Like Chernobyl for A Couple Months Now – A One Minute Visit Results In A Headache That Can Last For Hours.
At 3.00 am In The Front Room My Wife Suffered A Microwave Burn To The Check From Across The Street (While Praying)
My Wife Is Being Targeted Even Outside The House;
At a Prayer Meeting 7 days After The Death of Bpk Kadir Gang 7 - her arm close to her HEART was roasted,
At a Prayer Meeting 40 days After The Death of Ibu Bambang Gang 4 - her arm close to her HEART was roasted – probably from the car outside,
Under the Entire Ground Floor there is a Heating System tunnelled from a neighbour's house and In Part Of The Ground Floor Ceiling There Is A Heating System supplied from a neighbour's house. All this in a tropical country,
We Have Had NO PRIVACY Since 2008
There Are Speakers & Microphones Aimed In Every Opening and On Adjoining Walls, Cameras Aimed In Every Opening, Thru the Wall Imaging & Tracking. Everywhere We Move The Microwaves Are Automatically Re aimed By Computers
These Criminals Murdered My Nephew With A Spiked Coffee In Melbourne from a drug dealing cult.
  • Tried To Asset Strip Us
  • Make Us Homeless
  • INTERFERED in businesses
  • corrupted the Indonesian government
  • spread negative gossip
  • while Australia deports many NZ criminals WE ARE declared delusional for say “NZ Organized Crime”

2. Not Only Us Are Targeted – Billions Are To Be Robbed And Murdered

This Means 90% of Indonesians and Australians are Slated For Elimination – But NOT A WORD IN THE CONTROLLED corporate MEDIA
With a Finite Planet and the human population of earth cannot expand for ever but the ultimate limit depends upon the life style THAT we adopt and its environmental impact.
What is clear that the consumerist throw away economy is not a good choice.
500 million maximum population on the Georgia guide stones – so how many Indonesians, Chinese, Indian and Africans will be allowed?
Culling the human population is a great opportunity for criminal gang stalkers to asset strip billions of people whilst making & selling the video plus collecting the DEAD peasant insurance and running bets on how long a victim will survive.

2.1. Gentile Depopulation – Who Decides?

2.1.1. Racist War Criminal

2.1.2. Why Do Only The Super Rich Decide?

Behind Closed Doors the Super Rich Elite decide for the rest of humanity
Shock, awe and Hobbes have backfired on America's neocons

Shock, awe and Hobbes have backfired on America's neocons

There Are 21 Starter Solutions To Get Rid Of The Neocons

Vance Packard, a journalist turned social critic whose best-selling books -- ''The Hidden Persuaders,'' ''The Status Seekers'' and ''The Waste Makers'' -- warned Americans in the late 1950's about the excesses of advertising, social climbing and planned obsolescence
Currently many Indonesians Are adopting The Western hedonistic Wasteful Consumerist High Environmental Impact Lifestyle Without Questioning - Is This The Wise Direction?
Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation

Eugenics & Depopulation | TheSleuthJournal

Elite Eugenics And Depopulation Agenda Accelerating At A Terrifying Pace

Eugenics and Depopulation
Eugenics & Depopulation | The Red Pill Guide

3. Psychiatric Wards Used To Silence People

We Were Declared Delusional For Saying “New Zealand Organized Crime” - Australia Has Since Deported Hundreds Of New Zealand Criminals
We Are Witnesses to Crimes - NOT Terrorists or Extremists
Are People Being Thrown Into Psychiatric Wards For Their Political Views? Washington's Blog

Political Abuse of Psychiatry—An Historical Overview

Psychiatry and Human Rights Abuses | Psychiatric Times

Non-Conformity & Creativity Now Listed As A Mental Illness By Psychiatrists | Collective-Evolution

4. Murderous Military Microwaves Used By Foreign Intel Aided Criminals

4.1. Electronic torture, Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture, Electronic murder, Electromagnetic murder, Microwave murder, Organized murder, Cooked alive, Electronic mind control, Brain zapping

[Mar 31, 2013] Survivors on Barack Obama's Targeted Kill List presented evidence of being slowly killed while used for barbaric, cruel and unusual, torturous research, to Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon. A Targeted Killing advocacy group presented documentation of the United States intelligence community applying covert slow-kill methods to silence victims while using them for research in American communities.
How can NZ Criminals & Masons PUT innocent People on ASIO's kill list?
Where is Australia's Human rights and due process?
Electronic weapons are one of the best kept secrets in the world. All over the world thousands of innocent people are attacked and manipulated, incapacitated, tortured and murdered with these weapons most of them never knowing what happened. Read all about this and tell your family and friends. Peter Mooring
Electronic harassment and electronic torture list - February 26, 2009
The people cookers - cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat


Peter Mooring

Electronic torture:

A People Cooker is:
  1. an electronic weapon used to cook the body of people by invisible radio waves (compare microwave oven), and used to incapacitate, torture and murder people.
  2. a person (creature) using electronic weapons to incapacitate, torture and murder people (including children).
This is not science fiction. Electronic weapons are used world-wide by secret services against a countries own population. Electronic weapons are horrible weapons violation all human rights and leaving almost no evidence.
These people specialize in killing without touching or leaving evidence
The people cookers - cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat
[Published: April 28, 2008. Updated: May 4, 2008, May 9, 2008, June 10, 2008]

Military and intelligence agencies have developed frightful electronic weapons in black budget projects the last decades. These weapons, based on radio waves, are used to disable, to present pain and torture, to drive into suicide, schizophrenic or criminal behaviour. This is done by cooking/irradiating body parts, letting a victim hear voices, reading the mind, etc. through walls and from distance. Read and prepare yourself for the people cookers, you may be next!

Try to recall the most sick and disturbed persons you have ever read or heard about. Now try to imagine there are persons far worst than the ones you know, torturing innocent people slowly to death, torturing and murdering children, even torturing and murdering animals. That is really difficult to accept for us, normal people as we are. We simply do not want to believe this kind of evil exists, it makes us sick, we may start vomiting when stories so horrible are being suggested, being told.
But it can be even worst. Imagine this evil is related to your government, is being approved, executed, controlled, outsourced by your national secret services including military. It is all hard to believe isn't it. Unfortunately for your peace of mind these disturbed persons really exist, and unfortunately your national secret services are really involved in these horrible activities. But even more unfortunate are the victims of these horrible crimes.

The new generation of electronic weapons is capable of burning and cooking humans, destroying (exploding) body tissue, or cause heart attacks. This is all possible from large distances (hundreds of meters) and through walls. These weapons are now (2008) being used at large by secret services to eliminate people: incapacitate, drive into suicide, insanity, criminal behaviour, or are just used to cause heart failure, brain damage, etc. They replace knife, bullet, poison, car accidents.

Push button torture & murder - cooking people

Secret services have turned into depots of psychopaths and murderers. And it is getting worse. They now recruit people to press the buttons of these electronic weapons, button[1] is cook-a-person, button[2] is simulate-a-heart-attack, button[3] is simulate/cause-kidney-failure. Can you image a person microwaving someone like a microwave oven cooks meat?

Electronic weapons, capabilities April 2008

Low-power microwave weapons can be hidden e.g. in a shopping bag and are used to distract e.g. by giving you burning sensation, stings, make you burp or fart within seconds, blur your vision. High power microwave (HPM) weapons can be installed everywhere and mounted in cars (including your own) and can be used to cook a person like a microwave oven cooks meat, to 'shoot' and burn. Most of these weapons can be aimed very precise, that is why they are called Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). From a distance (and through walls) they can hit you, but not the person sitting next to you. Sometimes these weapons are called non-lethal because they are designed to be applied only for a very short period with the intention to incapacitate people or make people get out of the beam, not to kill them immediately. All experts agree that zapping persons for extended periods is very damaging, which is easy to understand, compare reports about cell phone irradiation.

The perfect weapon, does not kill (immediately), leaves no evidence

If you want people out of the way without evidence you cannot use a gun. There will be proof of a bullet and damaged tissue. With current electronic weapons eliminating people is very easy and best of all, elimination is without evidence. When you want to prevent a person from giving a presentation at work, you can heat him up the night before so he will feel sick, give some diarrhoea, make him cough when talking, make him scratch his head, etc. If this was done to you, would you be able to understand this? Probably you would think you just had the worst luck that day. BUT THIS WAS NOT BAD LUCK: YOU WERE INCAPACITATED WITH ELECTRONIC WEAPONS. In other words, you were cooked that day. They also may do this to the target's children, meaning the target must stay home or go home to take care of his child.

4.3. HOME-MADE MICROWAVE WEAPONS - Global Guerrillas

These terrorists destroyed a fridge in our motel in Melbourne. in Jakarta we have stopped replacing light globes that are destroyed within an hour.
The US military is hard at work designing, building, and using directed energy weapons (HERFs -- high energy radio frequency or microwave weapons) for use against micro-electronics and fuel vapour. Unfortunately, directed energy weapons are much more valuable to global guerrillas than nation-state militaries due to the target imbalance between nation-states and non-state foes. The technology needed to build these weapons is generally available and inexpensive (numerous experiments, including this one, scroll to bottom, with a converted microwave oven demonstrate this). Home-made directed energy weapons will eventually become the weapon of choice for global guerrillas intent on infrastructure destruction.
A good reference on this is Col. Eileen Walling's "High Power Microwaves: Strategic and Operational Imperatives for Warfare" (PDF). She lists four distinctive characteristics of a microwave weapon:
  • They don't rely on knowledge of the system.
  • They leave persistent and lasting effects on the system through destruction of circuits and components.
  • They can impact systems even when they are turned off.
  • To counter the weapon the entire system must be hardened.

Here are some attributes of a microwave weapons:
  • Entry to a system can be direct or indirect (through a variety of backdoor channels).
  • Destruction occurs from the inside out.
  • Extreme lethality for electronic components (and fuel systems).
  • Repair is extremely difficult -- it requires high level systems analysis.
  • Most systems are not hardened against microwave frequencies.
  • Area attacks are possible.
  • Insensitive to weather (rain, fog, etc.).
  • Long reach depending on power used.
  • Replenishment is easy (nothing except power is expended).
  • Scalable size (a weapon that weighs less than 10 lbs is possible).
  • Logistics are limited to battery/power source replacement.
  • Limited collateral damage.

4.4. www.mikrowellenterror - Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons

The nearby catholic school was used.
Surrounding houses are been used by the criminal gang stalkers .
New arms threaten and destroy lives in strange ways. Directed energy weapons are among the high-tech arms of the century. They hurt and kill with electromagnetic power. Microwave weapons can be aimed at computers, electronic devices and persons. They have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used for military and terrorist activities. These weapons are also part of crimes (in Europe) that almost nobody knows except the victims and the offenders. Until now they make the perfect crime possible. No doubt, these weapons have a terrible future.
Key Points

  • Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
  • DEW and Crime
  • Perfect Crime?
  • DEW and Terrorism


The Edward Snowden leaks about the NSA spying on all of us are just the tip of iceberg. Thousands of innocent people including children, in the USA and other Western countries, are attacked and (physically or mentally) murdered by secret services, including military, using their high tech methods and deniable (through-wall) electronic weapons. We all must make an effort to put these criminals behind bars! Please send this site to your family and friends. Thank you. Peter
In Indonesia mass surveillance is done by criminals tracking everyone with foreign Intel support
Edward Snowden on December 17, 2013: These programs were never about terrorism: they're about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They're about power. Read
Peter Mooring on January 4, 2014: And power is about elimination of opponents. This is exactly what secret services do ... eliminate. The other thing secret services do is experiment with new methods and new weapons, this is called 'mind control experimentation'. In both cases the methods and weapons are often gang stalking and electronic weapons. Many ignorant and innocent people including children are eliminated these ways or subjected to this experimentation. Many suffer, many die. These crimes are among the worst in history and are a disgrace to humanity.
Our Gang Stalking Turned Bad As My Mother's House Was Sold. We Were Terrorized Out Of Our Home. We Were Chased By 3 Car Loads of Thugs As We Fled To The Indonesian Consul For Protection. For The Last Three Years We Have Been Aggressively Gang Stalked. IN Feb 2013 Two Policemen without name tags TOOK US TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL WHICH only grilled us about our assets.
Persistent gang stalking neighbors are criminals, murderers and must be jailed
When a person is targeted by gang stalking and electronic harassment often neighbors are involved and start cooperating with the attackers. The attackers undeniably are criminals, murderers, what does this make the neighbors actively and persistently participating in these crimes? Click here to read.
Where do gang stalking (organized stalking) and electronic harassment (electronic torture) come from? Illegal projects like COINTELPRO and MKULTRA performed by United States organizations FBI, CIA and others, officially stopped but in fact continue to this day. Gang stalking and electronic harassment are just advanced and much better versions. If you live in a NATO country then the same happens in your country by your national secret services.

To make things worst, the US Government signed into law the PATRIOT Act in 2001, which is nothing more than a declaration of war against the people of the world.
In the past, elite and secret services managed to expand and control because of the existence of enemies like communism. But now, there are no enemies left. The last enemy, communism, disappeared with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990. The people of the world evolved into decent persons, but the elite and secret services did not. They are still the same murderers they once were and can only maintain themselves by fighting enemies, by stealing and murdering.
So what to do if there are no enemies left? You create enemies! At world level, Iraq was created the enemy, then Afghanistan, now Iran, etc. At state level secret services have a continuous need for new agents, victims for (medical) experiments, victims to turn into murderers. So now without enemies left, almost random normal people are put on elimination lists and pointed terrorist, psycho, paedophile, etc. while they are not. These almost random normal people are mentally and/or physically murdered and in this process also new agents are recruited.
It is ironic that most people recruited are lower class and in fact are used to keep their own kind (the lower class people) poor and uneducated so they can easily be used by the elite and secret services for all kinds of dirty work.
See also: Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(21) - normal people are murdered to keep the system running (the sick system needs blood to survive and expand) - part 2 , First Global Revolution (1993 Edition) by the Club of Rome, Chapter 5 The Vacuum (p.68)

The approvers of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) IV, as well as the ones using this manual (like psychiatrists) or requiring a DSM diagnose (like health insurance companies) are criminals. This manual categorizes symptoms caused by (almost) not-to-prove harassment as being symptoms of a mental disease. What a disgrace! Examples of such harassment are non-technical people attacked by high-tech crimes, and attacks by secret police and secret services. In the latter case the attacks have been specifically designed not to leave evidence and consist of gang stalking methods and/or directed energy weapons, mind control and/or mind reading weapons.
Persons being attacked these ways will go the police but the police will say that they cannot help and that you should go to your physician. The physician will say that you can be given medicine to make you not see these things and send you to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist asks what your symptoms are, takes the DSM IV, soon V, and concludes you have a mental disorder while in fact there is nothing wrong with you! Many people that are attacked as described above will take the medicine that the psychiatrist advices, they can go nowhere and desperately hope this will reduce their unbearable pains.
Summarizing, we can say that in these cases the psychiatrist commits the following three crimes: 1) the psychiatrist does not recognize that perhaps you are attacked by sinister crimes, or does not try to find a solution based on the fact that you are attacked these ways 2) the psychiatrist prescribes medicine that immediately marks you a lifetime psychiatric patient and does not tell you this 3) the psychiatrist prescribes (most of the time) a medicine that has at least a small percentage making things worse, possibly even increasing the chance that makes you commit suicide (also note that no proof has ever been given that medicine solves the problem in these cases).
See also: Schizophrenia does not exist (The normal people at war with the mentally ill - part 2) in Dutch
PSYCHOPATHS AND FAILED HUMAN BEINGS – Accurately describes the people who put us in the system and sit behind the computers managing the system.
A small percentage (1-2%) of the people on our beautiful planet is mentally ill, we call them psychopaths. Psychopathy is the most dangerous of all mental disorders. The essential empathy component is missing often resulting in the destruction of people, companies, countries, ... Psychopaths are parasites and would eat their own children to achieve their goals (or stay out-of-jail) because they just don't care. They failed as human beings and caught in their own web of lies the only thing that is left for them is to commit crimes day-by-day to stay out of jail, in fact confirming their own failure in life.
Very visible psychopaths can be found in our governments and at other positions with power, including our secret services and military. If you take for example Obama, Bush, Clinton, Panetta, Petraeus, Gates, etc. and check their behaviour against psychopathy symptoms lists then they will all score the minimum of required behaviours. They are responsible for the deaths of hundred thousands, for destroyed countries, and then for example Obama says on January 24, 2012 that 'everybody must play by the same rules'. This is just typical for psychopaths, express how powerful they are and never take responsibility for their actions.

A good parallel has been made between biological Parasites and a parasitic culture of a group like the masons that infects a society. The parasite then seeks to weaken and control its host so that it cannot be throwN off. parasitic infections have lead to the collapse of societies or civilizations over the centuries. Likewise a stalking gang can be looked on as a parasite to its victim/ host/meal ticket which it seeks to control in detail.

Powerful psychopaths are very afraid being found out. So they create events to distract us, buy the media to brainwash us and lie to us. Also they make new laws, like the USA Patriot Act, not to protect them or their countries against terrorists (are there any terrorists anyway?) but to protect themselves against the normal people who just want to take them to court and jail them for all the horrible crimes they have committed, for all the deaths of innocent people they have caused.
I suggest we immediately send the mental heath care to these persons, to pick them up and make sure sure they stay in a mental institution for the rest of their lives so they cannot hurt other people any more.
See also: A new low in history: US government showing the people of the world how they watch murdering their enemies , The normal people at war with the mentally ill (the murderers and psychopaths)
… continued

4.6. Microwave Weapon Attacks: Global Problem

Microwave Weapons Used In Directed Energy Weapon Attacks On Individuals & Global Criminal Use Of DEWs

I've talked about microwave weapons as part of the long range takeover of America, this page is a little research material about the reality of their existence and use on human beings. This is directly tied to the issue of Organized Gangstalking of Individual Citizens conducted by The Secret Government. The Secret Government was installed by the National Security Act of 1947, now taking you into the final phases of their long planned New World Order.
This page is not meant to define all the threats posed by the use of microwave weapons against people, this is just a very basic introduction. Also see 23 U.S. Patented Mind Control Related Devices (1956 – 2003) and Videos On Mind Control Weapons Technology. Also see The Secret Government's Ability to Erase Memory - Memory Erasure Is A Fact Not Fiction.
If you think that Electronic Mind Control being perpetrated by our National Security Agency is bullshit, read this page, Microwave Harassment And Mind-Control Experimentation, by Julianne McKinney. McKinney is a former Army Intelligence officer, and was later head of the now defunct Association of National Security Alumni’s Electronic Surveillance Project in the 1990s. Also read Mind Control and the Secret State by Julianne McKinney, in pdf format.
Qutoing this page at, there are some very disturbing stories there.
"Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee of a local power company that , if she value the lives of her children, she would drop the her opposition to the company’s installation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the individual 11-year-old daughter has been reduced to extremes of pain, resulting in her recurrent hospitalization treatment of illness which cannot be diagnosed.
Voice to Skull U.S. Army graphic

The pioneer in exposing mind control and body attacks with microwave weapons was a German scientist named Reinhard Munzert. Munzert was taken away and locked up in a mental institution in 2002, before he could appear before our U.S. Congress regarding these matters.

Microwave attacks through walls
There are now too many people and organizations working to expose this threat, it is not a fantasy and Munzert was not delusional.
Quoting the page at (3-22-2013): The link is dead, a pdf of the page created from the Internet Archive is here.
Dr. Munzert was about to held a lecture in the USA about microwave ovens, used as weapons. Dr. Munzert was brought in the midst of august this year against his will in the psychiatry of the town Erlangen in Germany. There he should be forced to take against his will psychotropic drugs. He refused and is now the 21. day in hunger strike. It seems, that therefore he will not be able to hold his lecture as scheduled on September 6. He was brought in a mental institution, to his own mental welfare, as a expert said, because he claimed to hear the buzzing of microwave radiation (for many people nothing special, this is a well known fact!). This would be is a delusion, and the expert argued further, that the statement, the radiation of microwave ovens could be used as weapons (also nothing special for the "knowers"), would be part of a illusion system. The belief of Dr. Munzert to speak about this issues at a congress in the USA, was called schizophrenic megalomania by the expert. As you see below, it was definitely in no way a schizophrenic megalomania.
I received an email on December 26, 2015 informing me that Dr. Reinhard Munzert is alive and well and is considered a VIP in Germany, protected by international and local laws. I was also given a link to a forum that Dr. Munzert has and on which he continues to expose the criminal use of microwave weapons,
Microwave OPven modified to be a weapon for Organized Stalking
Here is Dr. Munzert's most prominent paper: The Misuse Of Microwave Weapons by Criminals and Terrorists
Also see the forum Dr. Munzert has and on which he continues to expose the criminal use of microwave weapons,
Further reading on microwave weapons:
Here is a page at American Chronicle discussing these microwave methods, Sudden-Onset Ailments - Criminal Activity?
Also, there are several articles of interest that can be found from this page.

- Another Type of Electromagnetic Weapon -

Invocon, Inc. was contracted in 2004 by the US Navy to develop another type of EM weapon, known by the acronym EPIC (Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control).
Quoting this page: Navy SBIR Award
The focus will be in two areas. (1) Interruption of the mechanical transduction process by which sound and position (relative to gravity) are converted to messages that are processed by the brain. (2) Interruption of the chemical engine which sustains the proper operation of the nerve cells that respond to the mechanical transduction mechanisms referenced in item (1). Interruption of either or both of these processes has been clinically shown to produce complete disorientation and confusion. Second order effects would be extreme motion sickness.
   In 2007 a patent for the EPIC weapon was applied for, United States Patent Application 20070249959.
Quoting the page at, "Electromagnetic personnel interdiction control method and system":
An electromagnetic personnel interdiction control (EPIC) non-destructive stun type weapon system and method utilizes beamed RF energy (Lorentz Force) to disrupt the normal mechanical transduction process and/or the chemical engine by which sound, position and other sensory input are converted to messages by nerve cells and processed by the brain to produce complete disorientation, confusion, and temporary incapacitation sufficient to temporarily and remotely render a human powerless to resist arrest or subjugation. Removal of the RF electromagnetic energy will leave the nerve cells and surrounding tissues with no damage and the second order effects of severe motion sickness and the psychological effects of “helplessness” remains until the body chemistry returns to normal.
Microwave Sweet Spot On Your Head
Microwave weapons are a reality, and microwaves can also be used for mind control.
Frequency Following Response

Silent Sound Microwave Mind Control Explained

Read Targeting U.S. Citizens with Directed Energy Weapons and MKULTRA

The Acoustic Heterodyne:
"Silent Sound" Via UltraSound Instead of Microwave

Here is a pdf about Operation Blue Beam, from the International Free Press in Canada.

That pdf was created from a now dead web page, taken from Google's cache. The page existed July 30, 2010 and is gone today August 16, 2010. The pdf concerns NASA Project Blue Beam, and also discusses plans of the New World Order. Today we can already see these goals being set in motion by our current governments. It's a good read.
This page, Defense Against Freemason Sponsored Electronic Harassment, at, lists at some possible defenses against microwave attack.

The Origin of Microwave Weapons in the U.S., MKULTRA subproject 119

  6.6. Electronic Harassment: You are not crazy!


Electronic Harassment.
Yes, it happens...

Special Solutions, Inc. performs Electronic Sweeping and Surveys, using the best possible Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), to determine if you're being electronically harassed. We then proscribe the proper course of action to eliminate the electronic harassment threat.

What is Electronic Harassment?

If someone uses any electronic device to aid them in invading your person or property for the purpose of gathering information illegally, or for the purpose of causing harm, this is Electronic Harassment. Electronic Harassment comes in many forms and types. We'll try to explain what they are and what to do about them below.
  • Electronic Surveillance

    Electronic Surveillance is the imposed observation of a person's belongings, person or surroundings through the use of electronic listening devices, video recording or transmitting devices, spectral imaging through heat or infrared, sound or other radiation sources, and any other means of observing a person's actions, possessions or routines. Not all forms of surveillance use electronic devices and not all forms of surveillance are illegal or considered harassment.  Simply observing someone using ones eyes is certainly also considered surveillance and is not illegal in and of itself. Surveillance has become quite advanced and will become more pervasive as our society progresses in technology. Micro recorders, covert hidden video cameras (such as pinhole cameras), ultra tiny microphones, micro transmitters, and other bugging devices are easy to get by anyone at spy novelty shops and online stores--including EBay!

  • Electronic Sabotage/Interference (Jamming)

    Electronic sabotage or interference is any sabotage that is intentionally configuring personal property to either be destroyed or malfunction. Any intentional interference such as electronic noise generators, sound generators, light generators, spark gap disrupters, or any other form of EMI (electromagnetic interference) which either destroys, disrupts, causes malfunction or loss of resources is deemed to be electronic harassment.

  • Directed Harmful High Energy Devices

    This is the most dangerous form of electronic harassment and is quite easy to implement against a person. Directed harmful high energy microwave devices and weapons can include such devices and equipment that are easily available almost anywhere in the World where there are people. Microwave ovens can be modified to focus and direct up to 1200 watts or more, depending on the model, of microwave energy at a person or property and are easy to produce. The results of an attack by a high energy device can be lethal, they can kill or at the least disable a human being or other animals. Attacks from high energy microwave weapons leave blisters, cause internal bruising and/or bleeding, stimulate cancer, cause cataracts, encourage tumors to grow, generate boils, or leave red patches on the skin. Directed Harmful High Energy Weapons will have effective ranges from the point of contact to several hundred yards. Directed Harmful High Energy Weapons can be used to destroy electronic devices and cause severe interference in computers and alarm systems which can allow forced entry or destruction of vital data.

  • Radar guns are available from surplus stores most anywhere and can be obtained from ex-military sources or even police departments. Radar gun power outputs range from a two or three watts to 3 Megawatts! Portable radar guns range in size from small hand held devices to vehicle mounted long range high power models. These devices have very long ranges due to their greater power, higher frequencies and shorter wavelength. Radar guns emit long or short pulses of high energy capable of causing instant damage or death to living creatures. Semiconductor destruction or malfunction, brain damage & stopping vehicles are other uses for these devices. Other forms of directed harmful high energy include devices such as tasers, klystron guns (radar guns), ion beam guns, plasma pulse guns, soliton bombs, and many more devices.

    Directional Microwave EMP Rifle (PARTIAL KIT) Partial kit (shown above). This partial kit will include a 50,000W (yes it says 50KW) Watt X-band military microwave magnetron with complete spec sheets from two manufacturers and operational information to make it work (about 30 pages), EMP rifle plans (over 49 pages), and qty:3 (12KV @ 1A) rectifiers. A device such as this can be made the size of a super soaker water gun, it operates at 9.2GHz and with a properly tuned horn antenna will have an effective range of over 300 yards (possibly more with larger antenna). Such a device could possibly cause semiconductors to burn out, microprocessors to malfunction, inductors to counter induce and create CEMF, induce RF noise, cause ionization of air or gases, cause junction rectification and erase computer data on hard drives, disk and solid state device. Operating such a device may be in violation of State or Federal Laws, consult your Local authority before operating such a device. UPS GROUND SHIPPING ONLY DUE TO INTENSE MAGNETIC FIELD FROM MAGNETRON. Do not purchase this kit if it is illegal to own or operate in your area. (This kit is real and available on the internet. The above photo and description was taken directly from an internet website, but we will not tell you where to find it!)


Yes, It's True...
European researchers are working on ways to mass produce tiny robots, (called "microbots") each about the size of a fly, to be used in surveillance, micromanufacturing, medicine and cleaning.

The project, called I-SWARM (intelligent small-world autonomous robot for micromanipulation) was inspired by swarming insects. Measuring less than 4mm square, the microbots are equipped with components that allow them to collect and relay data using a single circuit board.
A conductive adhesive is used to attach components to a double-sided flexible printed circuit board designed with surface mount technology. The circuit is folded in three and wraps around the application-specific integrated-circuit.

Atop the device, a solar cell generates 3.6V, which enables the microbot to walk on three vibrating legs; the fourth leg is used a a sensor.

Researchers from Sweden, Spain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland are working on the project, which is being coordinated by the University of Karlsruhe in Germany.

  • Directed energy weapon for "Active Denial" is now being deployed by the military. Voice/Data/Image induction

  • This form of electronic harassment causes an individual to think they are loosing their mind or that they have a mental illness. There are three known methods of imposing VDI induction.
  • Microwave Carrier ULF-UHF Induction Method. This method utilizes a modulated microwave signal with either an audio, video, or other form of signal or even data may be used. The microwave energy with the VDI (Voice/Data/Image) carrier signal is then directed to the target area or individual. The reaction to this modulated microwave energy from one individual to another will usually be slightly different making it very difficult to diagnose as electronic harassment. The Voice/Data/Image induction form of harassment causes victims to hear voices in their heads or see random images or lights. Similar technology was developed to enable communication between humans and dolphins or even was purported to be used by secret agencies for the purposes of mind reading and control. A device known as the wireless neurophone has been patented along with other such devices that perform similar functions. A microwave carrier ULF-UHF induction device can be placed at a targets location and operated and monitored remotely. Transmission locations can be concealed in the same ways that cell telephone transmission sites so that they cannot be identified easily. See Stealth for some examples of the way cell antennas can be hidden in plain sight.
  • Direct Contact Induction Method.

    This method requires direct skin contact of the subject. Voice/Data/Image induction (VDI) is induced through the skin, using the natural ability of the skin to conduct energy. The DCI method uses a simple high voltage D.C. carrier, which is modulated with the VDI signal and is coupled to the subject body using capacitive skin pads. The contacts need to contact any part of the skin anywhere on the body. The signal is received and interpreted by the nerves below the skin surface and sent to the brain which processes the information signals, causing the images or sounds or data to appear to the target without the actual use of their eyes or ears. A similar device is also known as the neurophone. There are many patents for similar devices. Evidence of unauthorized use on someone is two or more circular red marks on the skin or two or more blisters.
  • Magnetic Pulse Induction Method.

    The neurons within the nerves and human brain are very sensitive to magnetic fields. The MPI method uses an induction coil to induce a low to medium magnetic field in and around the brain causing the neurons to misroute, slow down or revert. This form of electronic VDI harassment is often diagnosed as EMI (electromagnetic interference) sensitivity, which is similar to someone getting headaches from prolonged usage of cellular phones or nausea from being around power lines for extended periods of time. Magnetic Pulse Induction Method may be employed by using a device implanted within the targets home or surroundings and can be operated remotely.
  • Radiation

    Radiation is a very common form of harassment. A potential harasser can easily buy an old x-ray gun from a surplus dealer and with only slight modifications use it to bombard a target with deadly amounts of x-ray radiation. Radiation devices can be battery powered and used for long periods of time. High exposure to x-ray radiation will cause tumors, brain disorders, mental illness, tremors, headaches, cataracts, seizures or even death. Radiation harassment is usually done over long periods of time, ranging from days to years, in order to induce harm. Radiation harassers can also get various radioactive materials such as thorium nitrate, plutonium oxide, uranium nitrate, and uranyl nitrite. Using radioactive materials a harasser can cause a terrible and agonizing death.
  • Implants (Science Fiction?) Guess again.
    Implants are without a doubt the most invasive form of harassment. Electronic implants consist of transmitters, ESF generators, micro-neurophonic transceivers, tracking devices and other micro sized devices designed to cause harassment by tracking or controlling movement and thought. The most common implant was designed many years ago and is still used to this day. It consists of a unit that is powered by bodily fluids and is capable of transmitting voice signals, high voltage pulses, emitting a small tracking beacon signal, or other unspecified uses (mind control).



      Newest version of a biochip implant. For more information about this chip go to:

    Millions may be carrying microchips in their bodies worldwide. The Safe Medical Devices Act, which became a law in 1990, requires USA manufacturers of implants and medical devices, to adopt a method for identifying and tracking their products permanently implanted in humans, and to keep track of the recipients, in case malfunctions arise. Breast implants, pacemakers, replacement heart valves and prosthetic devices implanted in millions worldwide are all to be tracked. And one of the methods used to track these devices is implanting microchips which store data about the manufacturer, the surgeon, the date of implant, etc.
  • Laser Harassment Devices

    The use of simple, easy to procure lasers to harass or "Dazzle" a subject is becoming more prevalent. Subjects of this type of harassment have reported seeing "little red dots" on their curtains, through their windows or on themselves. There have been numerous reports of people being momentarily blinded by red lights (red lasers) while they were driving in their cars. Some of these incidents have resulted in traffic accidents, although no permanent blindness has yet to be reported as a result of being "spotted".


    Laser gun sight, zoom rifle scope, 3-axis adjustable tripod head
    The parts that make this device can be purchased at any gun store
    and the tripod is a standard issue camera tripod.

    Hand-held unit with laser gun sight and golf scope

United States Patent 5,629,678
Gargano , et al. May 13, 1997

Personal tracking and recovery system


Apparatus for tracking and recovering humans utilizes an implantable transceiver incorporating a power supply and actuation system allowing the unit to remain implanted and functional for years without maintenance. The implanted transmitter may be remotely actuated, or actuated by the implantee. Power for the remote-activated receiver is generated electromechanically through the movement of body muscle. The device is small enough to be implanted in a child, facilitating use as a safeguard against kidnapping, and has a transmission range which also makes it suitable for wilderness sporting activities. A novel biological monitoring feature allows the device to be used to facilitate prompt medical dispatch in the event of heart attack or similar medical emergency. A novel sensation-feedback feature allows the implantee to control and actuate the device with certainty.
Read The Complete Patent Information

This is one of 66 low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites comprising the Iridium satellite system. The original company went bankrupt so the US Department of Defense assisted in making sure the system stayed in operation. The system is currently maintained by the Boeing Company.

This is a diagram of the planetary coverage of the Iridum system. This system has transmit and receive coverage of the entire planet. Each circle is a coverage sector.

Of course there are many other forms of electronic harassment not mentioned here, but the most common forms of electronic harassment that you may likely encounter have been covered. Please read Microwave Detection - Remote Mind Control Technology for more on this subject.

Symptoms of Electronic Radiation Exposure

Symptoms may include but are not limited to: Headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness, abdominal pressure and pain, breathing difficulty, irregular heartbeat, sexual stimulation and hearing voices (see Patent #4,858,612). Additional symptoms have been reported in some individuals such as paralysis, balance problems, body and/or muscle spasms, convulsions, confusion, depression, difficulty in concentrating, seizure, sleep disturbances, and memory difficulties.

What Can Be Done To Protect Against Electronic Harassment?

In a legal sense, there isn't too much that can be done. You could change your venue, relocate or move to avoid the harasser but this isn't usually a practical method for a variety of reasons.  For starters, the best thing to do is give us a call from a secure phone. We will conduct a sweep of the suspect areas to locate the source of the suspected harassment and then assist in a course of action to stop the harassment.

Natural obstacles are cheap and effective in blocking most X-rays and microwave or RF (could be a radar gun) signals that a harasser might use. Mountains, caves, desert areas, and large lakes or oceans offer excellent protection and can block or distort most forms of electronic harassment.

Shielding signals with Passive or Active shielding can be an effective measure.
If harassment is general to an area and not specifically directed to you, simply moving to another location is the easiest method to stop the harassment. If the harassment is specific to you, then you'll need to employ some sort of shield or cover, such as mountains or a cave. Shielding may be your only alternative to stop the harassment if you cannot employ natural obstacles or shields. Passive shielding is less expensive then Active shielding and consists of special metal materials designed to block high frequency RF energy, X-rays, etc. Active shielding uses sophisticated electronic equipment to jam, capture, redirect, distort or nullify the harmful energy.
It isn't legal for a private individual, a company or a corporation to use electronic harassment on you. The military and law enforcement, however, can use non-lethal weapons (see USC Title 50 Chapter 32 Section 1520a). Further, testing of electronic equipment; discovering unauthorized electronic surveillance; training of intelligence personnel by officers the United States is allowed.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, officers, employees, or agents of the United States are authorized in the normal course of their official duties to conduct electronic surveillance not targeted against the communications of any particular person or persons, under procedures approved by the Attorney General.
Special Solutions, Ltd. is an experienced and knowledgeable professional private investigative agency with the ability to find and then help you to eliminate Electronic Harassment. Advanced Electronic Security Co. is also a specialist in electronic surveillance and counter-surveillance. We only utilize the best and latest technology and techniques to assist and support victims of Electronic Harassment.


8. Australian/NZ Crime, Terrorism & Gang Stalking in Jakarta

Like hundreds of millions of people we have been Targeted for Terrorism, Asset Stripping and Murder including many by Australian and New Zealand Criminal satanic Stalking Gang.
Criminal satanic Gang Stalkers Terrorized Us Out of Australia AND with Indonesian criminals continued the terrorism In Jakarta WITH Ethnic Cleansing, 24/7 Satanic Gang stalking, Terrorism and the Spreading of Gossip & Lies.
Recently HUNDREDS OF New Zealand CRIMINALS HAVE BEEN DEPORTED FROM AUSTRALIA BUT Criminal doctors in Melbourne DECLARED US delusional for saying “New Zealand ORGANIZED CRIME” .
THIS lie about us being delusional has been spread world wide by criminals via the satanic gang stalking social media gossip sewer.
Local Public Social/Religious organizations have been hijacked to provide a willing army of Manchurian low level gullible obedient yoked imbecilic mules to stalk us.

9. 90% Depopulation & Agenda 21

There is a plan by the super rich criminal / satanic elite oligarchs to depopulate the planet by 90% - Agenda 21.
The decisions on this are being made behind closed doors. the decisions about population density and how many will be exterminated are made without any public discussion or consultation.
the super rich criminal / satanic elite oligarchs view the people of the world like a beef cattle farmer views his livestock.
The super rich criminal / satanic elite oligarchs view us as cattle who it is OK to asset strip and kill.
Nothing has changed since the Middle Ages – many of the Aristocracy/ Oligarchy/ Black Nobility are running Agenda 21 & Secret Societies like the Bilderbergs.
Just as a dairy farmer sends his cow to slaughter when it runs dry or the chicken farmer sends the chicken to slaughter when it stops laying eggs so the Aristocracy/ Oligarchy/ Black Nobility viewed the workers on their estates when the worker's utility ceased. Go to the Caribbean and you will see the design of the slave quarters is identical to those for surfs in Europe.
There are major criminals who have high connections behind the global mass SATANIC gang stalking JUST AS THERE IS WITH OTHER CRIMES SUCH AS THE DRUG TRADE.

9.1. Six Billion Plus Dead - Three Quadrillion Dollars Profit

For Satanists it is human sacrifice, it is part of their worship of Baal/ Lucifer
There profits from selling the internet show, asset stripping the target, running bets on when and how the victim dies, claiming dead peasant insurance and the list goes on
Lets Assume the criminal satanic gang stalkers can make half a million from one victim, with the Bilderbergs & Agenda 21 looking to kill off 90% of humanity or over Six billion people this gives us three Quadrillion dollars profit!!!
The Rich Elite Satanic Criminal Oligarchs have over the last two centuries made hundreds of trillions on the deaths of hundreds of millions of people from the sale of weapons to both sides of A War and the interest on loans (created out of thin air) to finance wars.

See My Earlier Blogs

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